Happy 19th Birthday Miyoung! :)
It was unfortunate that I was born a whopping 25 days after you because they are the only 25 days in our young lives that we have not had that overlapped, I'm selfish I wanted them all. Then we could have been born on the same exact day and then shared every single day together and then we both could have gone to the same college, it's not too late to transfer to Nova you know, and then life would have been perfect but instead.. I will congratulate you on turning 19 today, on the glorious day of June 7th :) You've made it! You did it! You've hit the big 1-9. You know what this means? After I join you a long long time from now, we will only have 1 more year before we are not allowed to use the excuse of being a teen when we do crazy things. On a serious note, I am very thankful to have a cousin as wonderful as yourself. It's been a great 18 years with you and I am only looking forward to more! You are always one of the people that I can tell anything to whether it's happy, sad, serious, weird, etc. I feel comfortable crying, farting, burping, changing, etc. in front of you. Some of my best laughs have been enjoyed in your company. I have shared so so so so so so many memories with you... I think we are a weird pair but I enjoy the weird little quirks about our relationship and and and... & I like you :)
I loved when you moved to Upper Dublin in the 4th grade and I cried because you weren't in my class, I loved when we both had a crush on Luke (good ol' 4th grade crushes.. HAHAHA), I loved walking with you to school singing Barbie Girl and imitating monkeys, I love how we took baths together @ your old house up until what some may have considered, at least unnie did, a questionable age (but we didn't think it was so it made it okay)... I love that we half-watch the same shows so we can fill in the episodes for each other.. I loved trying to remove my suicidal fish from his tank with you... I love how out of shape the both of us are.. I love jumping on your bed and napping together... I love how I can convince almost always convince you, maybe 75%, to go get mcdonalds/chinese food with me if I'm in the mood... I loved hitting you in the head with that frisbee :).. I love how you never get your haircut and I'm always the only one who ever follows through with our haircut plans ;)...& I am looking forward to many many more memoriess.. unless you're planning on leaving me... you're not right? ARE YOU?! & have I mentioned I love how you totally accept me for my spastic paranoid attacks that I can have sometimes ;)
Happy Birthday :) I hope you have a great one (it would be great if you choose outback for tonight's dinner IF you still haven't made up your mind yet ;) & enjoy the rest of your 61 years. I've decided we're both going to die when we're 80 years old, peacefully, in matching wheel chairs :)
awwwww that's cute!! i'll push you guys around in your wheel chair when you guys are 80 years old bc i won't be in one! heheheh :)