Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Motherland Update :)

I officially have 6 more classes left and will be home in exactly two weeks :) Yaaaaaaaaay! I'm so excited. Korea's fun for the weekend but I miss home, and my parents and TACOOOOOOOOOOOOO <3

What's been up as of late:

I haven't been able to sleep too well. It's hot here :( and there's no AC. and my crazy cousin likes to put her alarm on for 4 am... but she doesn't actually get up til 6... so I think it's one of those pre-pre alarms.. but the thing is her and her sister are so used to it that they don't wake up.. so I wake up, grumpy.

Inception was really good :) I think it lived up to the hype. I think I sometimes don't like movies after they get too hyped up because I get so excited for it but this time I enjoyed it :).
Usually I don't like watching movies in the theatre because the tickets are expensive and most of the time I can't understand what they're saying because it sounds like they're mumbling.. I think I just have poor hearing.. but yeah.. same case for Inception.. I also kept looking at the Korean subtitles which didn't help at all.. I think I probably missed a bunch of stuff in the movie. I'm looking forward to seeing it again, with English subtitles :)

HAHA something I thought was really funny that my modern Korean history teacher said today in class:
We learned about the USS Maddox and it's part leading to the Vietnam war and my teacher goes.. "I don't understand why Angelina Jolie adopted a kid from Southeast Asia and named him Maddox, that's like adopting a kid from Hawaii and naming him Pearl Harbor."
hAHAHA I thought it was funny :)

full moon the other night :)

playing with my other cousins dog. i miss my dogsss


  1. I was dozing off in class and was half listening, but right when taeyangkwak told that joke I laughed and that completely woke me up and I started listening attentively again.
    SO smart and tricky...it was a ploy to wake me up...HAHA

  2. I feel bad for your other dog, you only have taco a shout out! hahahhaaha i miss you!!! see you in like 3 weeks!! AHHHHHHHH
