It's been less than two years since I got my iPhone, but it feels like I've had it forever.. I was pretty late jumping onto the smart phone wagon.. so, I told myself when I got it that I wouldn't become one of those people who are constantly on their phone. Less than two years later... here I am... checking FB, Instagram, fantasy baseball team #1 on ESPN, fantasy baseball team #2 on Yahoo, candy crushing, pinteresting, snapchatting, and texting, much more than I'd like to be doing.
But honestly..... I'd actually like to think that I've done an okay job (compared to who though, right?). I make a big effort to never text when I'm having a meal with somebody one on one (I don't know, it's just a pet peeve of mine.. it never feels good to be the person on the other side of the table. come on, it's a little rude). But.. I have caught myself multiples times texting and playing on my phone when there's a group of people, the company is boring, or I feel uncomfortable. And....... I don't know, I just don't like it I guess. It makes me sad when I see a kid texting while having a meal with their parents.. or worse, when both of them are on their phones.. whole groups of tables just on their phones.. I just feel like you present yourself as unapproachable when your head is constantly buried in your phone.. and is what you're checking really all that important?
So here's to.... spending less time on my phone, not hiding behind it in uncomfortable situations, spending that time approaching someone else or doing something more productive, and just wasting less time obsessing about and checking on other people's lives and spending some more time on my own.
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