Wednesday, October 2, 2013

So Long, Sushiland!

Tomorrow will be my last official day at Sushi Land! This place.. has been a pain in the butt at times, but overall a pretty memorable experience. So... let's look back on the memories :)

Because of you Sushiland.....

- I learned responsibilities, such as learning to manage my money, being to places on time, etc. while also highlighting my irresponsibities (ok, it says "irresponsibilities" isn't a word, but I'm going to say it is) as well
- Oh man, the Sushi Land drama/gossip vine... Oh, the crazy drama that happened and was said.. the stories shared between co-workers.. somehow it was always Julie who knew everything... proposals... fake hospital stories... HAHA those stories will be treasured.
- You realize... you never really get sick of sushi.
- Whenever I meet a nice waiter/waitress now.. I just think, are they actually this nice of a person? or are they making small chat with me because they want me to like them so I give a better tip.. because yup, a lot of times I hoped they would leave a nice tip b/c I was being extra friendly.. (I once told a person he looked like Patrick Dempsey.. which he actually did.. but he gave me a tip on his take out order, and bam!, it makes the day that much better!)
- I learned to deal with so many annoying and rude customers. Many eyes... have been rolled in the Sushi land establishment..
- I will not miss the water and green tea orders.. Getting water and green tea was the worst drink order.. HAHA we're such brats.
- But for every annoying and rude customer, there are twenty awesome customers. My favorite customers:
  • guy who has a ponytail that always orders chicken teriyaki and cranberry juice and reads his book at the bar.
  • The mom with her two sons who always eat 6 california rolls each. 
  • Cute babies that come in and eat edamame and rice and soy sauce and literally spill edamame beans EVERYWHERE.... you're lucky you're cute, little babies.
  • Friends who come to visit you :) and you feel bad you can only get them a free edamame..
  • Every customer who always orders the same exact thing every time.. and I can just say what they want before they even order, and it makes them happy because they feel like a regular. 
  • Two diva ladies... who eat double salads and one always comes in with her own Dunkin Donuts ice tea... I love very nice people. 
  • Tug, the best take out order tipper.
- I probably will think twice about eating at any restaurant because of sanitary reasons... but whatever, I'll still eat out! HAHA
- I met some pretty great people. I'll always remember meeting Julie & Angel on my first day of work ever.. and they let me take an order even though I wasn't allowed to.
- The danger hazard of working there on a rainy night.. It's unbelievable that I did not slip and fall once.
- The smell of sushi is so potent there.. that it's impossible to go somewhere afterwards without someone saying you smell like sushi or fried food.
- I learned how to suck it up and just keep working because honestly, there's no point in complaining that much.. doesn't make your work shift any better.. so might as well give it your best try.
- Bryn Mawr students.. you seriously stink. You guys are the worst tippers in the history of tippers.... HAHAHA and I don't feel bad because fellow Bryn Mawr waitresses will complain about it as well. We have gotten...... 0% tip... a 23 cent tip... several more checks of under $2 tip.. HAHA
- Nova students.. HAHA I don't know, now that I'm leaving... I will miss the sorority girls that come in with their bigs and littles and their boxed wine.. HAHA
- Andrew from The Grog who always hung out with me in the back parking lot during our breaks and he'd tell me funny stories and about married life.
- I learned... most bosses are probably not like Jae. He is the silliest and most lenient boss.. who sings way too much. Maybe Chris is a more realistic boss type figure... HAHA.
- I've lost a good number of a good sneakers from the disgusting filth that just starts conglomerating on the bottom of your shoes.
- I've changed my favorite roll from....... Summer Lover to Hurricane (for awhile) to the Crunch roll (but let's be real everyone knows the whe dub bop is the best).
-I love the way people mispronounce sake make, whe dup bop, gyoza (guy-oza), etc.
- Oh and of course.. me & Julie are going to take over and be co-owners someday!

As I move on with my life though... these past 2 years have been fun, crazy, stressful and an awesome experience. So, what more can you ask for? It was a pretty great first job.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

.. and you say, "Allentown?!"

so, this weekend, we took a trip over to allentown, yes allentown, to visit Timmy :) and allentown, you did not let us down.. maybe it was just the company along with the beautiful weather and quirky things to do there like go buy a dollar of fish food in a bag and feed thousands of trout at a fish hatchery or eat california inspired burritos or go to a shark themed party LOL. We also, stopped by a rose garden, grabbed sushi, went bowling (more like the girls won in bowling), all took an hour long mid day nap, etc. Anyway, I won't lie, it's the most fun weekend I've had in awhile.. and I mean we saw each other, at the minimum, every weekend of our senior years... so maybe it was easy to take that time together for granted cause you knew that person was going to be there the next day.. and for the rest of the year. But this trip took planning, one rescheduling, one Bieber bus ride from Long Island, an hour long car ride from PA, a 2 hour long car ride from Jersey, a person unable to make it last minute, etc. Maybe.... I'm just a boring post college grandma who finds this stuff exciting now, who knows... but I had a great time and it made me realize how difficult it is to meet up after college when everyone's got their own jobs/schedule/lives going on.. even when we all live in the tri-state area.. So, I really appreciated the couple of days we had together. Miss you guys already :]

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cell Phone Break

The last couple of times I've gone out to a restaurant with a group of friends.. we've all put our phones in the middle of the table. We'll usually put the largest phone on the bottom and make a cellphone tower of sorts and say whoever touches their phone has to pay for the meal. Phone missing dialogue then commences: "I just got a text, can I just check, pleaseeee?" "I feel so weird without my phone".. la dee da da.

It's been less than two years since I got my iPhone, but it feels like I've had it forever.. I was pretty late jumping onto the smart phone wagon.. so, I told myself when I got it that I wouldn't become one of those people who are constantly on their phone. Less than two years later... here I am... checking FB, Instagram, fantasy baseball team #1 on ESPN, fantasy baseball team #2 on Yahoo, candy crushing, pinteresting, snapchatting, and texting, much more than I'd like to be doing. 

But honestly..... I'd actually like to think that I've done an okay job (compared to who though, right?). I make a big effort to never text when I'm having a meal with somebody one on one (I don't know, it's just a pet peeve of mine.. it never feels good to be the person on the other side of the table. come on, it's a little rude). But.. I have caught myself multiples times texting and playing on my phone when there's a group of people, the company is boring, or I feel uncomfortable. And....... I don't know, I just don't like it I guess. It makes me sad when I see a kid texting while having a meal with their parents.. or worse, when both of them are on their phones.. whole groups of tables just on their phones.. I just feel like you present yourself as unapproachable when your head is constantly buried in your phone.. and is what you're checking really all that important?

So here's to.... spending less time on my phone, not hiding behind it in uncomfortable situations, spending that time approaching someone else or doing something more productive, and just wasting less time obsessing about and checking on other people's lives and spending some more time on my own.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


1. where and when did i spend all my money....
2. i don't think we've had a christmas tree for the past couple years.. guess it is kind of a hassle, and the parents aren't even christian haha.
3. hm, should me and my brother just not exchange gifts again this year.
4. why do i have the hardest person for secret santa...
5. christmas and new years on a sunday this year, this should be interesting..
6. how is the semester already over.... i'm already excited for next semester :)
7. new years resolutions.... exciting :))
8. i would forget to bring home my bible from school for winter break, sigh.
9. maybe i can keep my room clean for once during winter break..
10. happy :)<3

Sunday, December 4, 2011

hello december

hello december,

what you always have in store for me :

-winter break
-end of the semester (although i'm a little sad that this semester in particular is ending, you've been too good to me)
-end of the semester finals/tests/papers.
-christmas carols on b101 24/7.
-christmas trees and decorations
-packed malls
-snow? chilly weather definitely.
-new years eve
-reflecting back on the past year, it's def. been a different but good year.
-secret santas/white elephant
-christmas gifts / cards
-family bonding time
-telling yourself a million times you can't believe it's already december and the year is over.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

b & f.

obviously craving a good ol' burger & fries :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011