Saturday, November 13, 2010


My camera broke :( R.I.P

Sold Peppero @ the Oreo all week. (Thank you to everyone & Kevin :))

Slept over Amy's, had a good girl chat, and was driven to my Chem class that I've missed for the past 5 weeks on Friday's by sleepy Amy who has no classes on Friday <3

Met Nala <3 the senior boys' cute & wonderful little dachshund <3

Starting to feel the pressure/stress a little for my upcoming Bio test on Friday :|

Currently reading Villanova's Onebook, "The Unforgiving Minute." It's pretty good so far.

Slept in like mad this morning.. but trying to figure out a way and working on trying to consistently get up early.

Been listening to Katy Perry's, Teenage Dream. It's been stuck in my head. After songs come out on Glee, the song sounds so much better to me :)

Some may say that it's getting too dark way too early these days... and.... I agree, but with that also comes Thanksgiving & Christmas, wonderful times of the year :)

Nala :)

Peppero crew :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Travel? No, thank you :)

At one point in my life, I told myself that I wanted to travel and see all the different places in the world, and la dee da da. I think all of those thoughts have completely left me. I love where I am. I love going to a school only 25 minutes away from school who's campus feels like a suburb in itself. I'm sure this sounds like an incredible boring life to some people.. but yes, I love going home every weekend and seeing my family. & I love all the amazing people that I've met while I've lived here. I'm completely okay with living here the rest of my life, getting married and having a home in a neighboring development near where my home is now and living in the burbs and all that jazz. I know people always say they want to experience other places and that there are those "Philly Koreans" who make them want to get away so much & meet other people, but I feel like no matter where you go, you're always going to find people like that. You pick and choose, & I feel like I've found a good niche here of amazing people, in my family, church, and friends :) Thanks for everything :)

(thanksgiving 2009)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fancy Toothbrushes

Long time no regular thought-spilling blog entry :)

Let me just start off by saying.. I got a new toothbrush today because I left my toothbrush @ school while I came home for the weekend, so I just bought a new one. I bought this oral-b one with these cool little things on the sides of the bristles.. because yes, I thought it looked cool... I went home and when I used it I found out there's a button... that makes it vibrate! but it's not even one of those fat toothbrushes.. it's completely normal-sized.. and I was so amazed because I didn't even know regular sized toothbrushes had a button option & then I just thought toothbrushes are getting really fancy.. unless they've been like this for awhile & I just was out of the toothbrush world loop.

this is it.. I feel like I should name it.. it's so fancy.

I think this blog may just be random brain spillage. So, let me just say.. I am not a big fan of these ebooks. Yes, it's handy, and cheaper, and convenient.. and I don't know, I'm all out of adjectives to describe it.. BUT... it just doesn't seem like a book to me if it's not in it's actually physical book form. You don't even get to turn the pages.. or write little things in the margin, or highlight, or fold the front part of the book back while you're reading.. or fold down the page corner where you stopped .. (even though I know these last 2 things would make Miyoung go crazy, she is a mint-condition book form kind of person..) It just doesn't feel right... Neither does.. internet on your phone.. it's too high tech for me!

Let me say though.. one modern thing I really like......... modern medicine. I don't know if it counts as modern medicine.. it's been out for awhile.. but, this morning, good grief, these dang cramps.. were ruining my perfectly good Saturday morning at home.. & I always thought I was the fortunate lucky girl who never got cramps.. but I got them.. and they hurt like something that hurts a lot.. and so I went to CVS bought some Motrin.. popped a pill.. got a heating pad and just curled up in a little ball.. and after like 30 minutes.. all the pain.. just went away, like that! No, this is not my first time experiencing the effects of pharmaceutical drugs.. Advil has saved me plenty of times.. but it was the first time for cramps, and I was just re-amazed again. I think it has made me into a softy though. When I get sick or feel a little pain.. I have absolutely no pain tolerance.. and I think it makes me over exaggerate a bit...

[me not smoothly transitioning to another topic..]

I think these past couple of weeks.. I've realized how much I like school, and what I'm learning in school. I seriously want to get as much as I can out of every single class.. even if it's just what seems like a pointless bio lab in the computer lab where we're learning how to go through databases. I just feel like everything can have some sort of use for me.. I look back at high school and wish I paid attention in more of my classes, wish I didn't waste so much of my time wondering when class was going to be over, especially for classes like 3D and 2D Art. I'm probably never going to have a chance again to play around with however much clay I want, use a band saw, use that little 45 degree cutting thing that let all our corners be in 90 degree angles.. at least not without paying for it in classes or something. Anyway, it dawned on me while I was studying for my Bio test and my mom called me. She asked me what I was doing and I said studying for my Bio test.. & how much it stunk.. and then before she even responded I said.. you know I'm probably going to miss this feeling though of studying and being in school like 10 years from now.. and gladly we were on the same page :) She said she's already afraid of when she has to graduate from Art school.. and to trust her, school's a lot more fun than working. Of course, it helped because I know my mom's on the same page with me for this, I think shes always loved school. If I talk to my brother, he'll tell me he'd choose working and making money over school any day. Anyway, it's been a good motivator for me.. yeah, it's still hard to be motivated when I'm reading through dense chapters of Biology.. but its gotten a lot better and I'm enjoying what I'm learning more now, so it's just a nice feeling :)

PS: I'm really craving a corndog.