Monday, August 23, 2010

Up and Down

So, today was my first day of sophomore year! Wahoo!

It has been an up and down start to my sophomore year.

+ I love my room :) Once I get my couch, it will be complete!! I love being in a single and I love the size.

- The 3 flights of stairs that I have to take to get to my room.. oh my GAHH.

-I lost my wildcard and roomkey (on my lanyard) before the first day of classes. The first thing I had to tell my RA when I met her was that I lost the roomkey.. HAHA.

-After a long day I walked back to my room with a very heavy backpack to just try and rest for an hour before dinner but... there's a sign on my door saying they changed my lock for safety reasons because I lost my room key and to go all the way back to main campus to pick up my new key.

-It rained.

+I got to see everyone :)

- Biology & Chemistry are boring...

- All my classes that I've had so far are heavily freshmen populated.. and they are really eager... I'm sure I was too when I was a freshmen.. but they all just introduce each other and all want to be best friends.. and I guess I'm just the grumpy sophomore.

+ I am looking forward to my Nutrition and Gender in the World class tomorrow though.

-There was this boy in my Biology class who opened his laptop and his desktop background was one of those paint pictures of a rainbow.. and on the bottom it said, "f*** science" except he actually wrote it out..... & I actually I didn't even know how to react to that.. other than why's he taking Biology....

+Agnes' blog fixed my shift keys.

Hopefully things will go up from hereeee (:

I can always count on looking @ photos of these 2 to make me happy <3

Hope everyone is having a good first week of school / enjoying their last week of summer :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I could listen to Regina Spektor all day long..

Friday, August 13, 2010

home = happy

i am back homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and i love it. i love home home home. i've been waking up really early lately without feeling groggy which is nice because i've always wanted to be able to wake up early but then i've been crashing in the afternoon. hahahha. also, my shift key has decided it isn't going to work.. so whenever i've been writing on people's walls or e-mail or etc. i've been having to copy and paste exclamation points and smileys, hahahaha. sentences just seem so dull without those two things.. i will make an exception for this post though.. no copy and pasting smileys, exclamation points, and question marks.. all of this while also writing a happy list about home. inspired by other happy lists and a book at barnes and noble that tells you 1000 awesome things in general, or about life. a couple of good ones from the book = smell of fresh cut grass, bakery air smell, popping bubble wrap, getting to the bus station just as your bus gets there, putting on underwear thats just come out of the dryer, having a good floss after eating a big steak, taking off your bra after a long day... or so he's heard. the author is a man hahahaha.

5 things about home that make me happy

1. the comfort of your bathroom, you know where everything is, you can go do your business comfortably and for however long you want, you don't have to wait because there are multiply bathrooms in the house. the family's house in korea only had one bathroom.

2. my family and my dogs. i love seeing my mom and dad everyday and i love seeing my dogs everyday. and my bed, so comfortable so comfortable so comfortable.

3. close-by favorites = panera, pho, acme, barnes and noble.

4. air-conditioning. it deserves the number 4 spot all to itself. oh, how i've missed you. you've spoiled me and made me unable to tolerate heat.

5. being in the suburbs. nature, grass, anything green and exuding oxygen = love = the 'burbs.

i hope my non-capital letters, non-smiley, non-exclamation point, non-question-mark post was not too boring. hopefully i will see all of you soon someplace or another in pennyslvania ;]

Friday, August 6, 2010

Goodbye Love

I will be going back home in 3 days!!!! I'm so excited :) I miss my familyyyy.
I don't think I will miss Korea per se... but I will be leaving my love that I met and discovered here.. pahtbingsoo. I fell in love with it when I got here and it has made this sticky, hot, smoldering summer heat bearable at times. I think I've eaten it an unhealthy amount of times for someone who has only been here for two months. You are so delicious and I will miss you Pat :(

Our memories together (so pretty before you mix it all together):

you may have been the most delicious one :) and you came with cute little shovel spoons!

the peppero made this one :)

pahtbingsoo in insadong which means = priciest pahtbingsoo i had heree.
maraschino cherry = nice surprise. tomatoes = not a nice surprise.

you were... not that tasty..... but this was the place where i pumped sugar syrup onto my hand mistaking it for hand sanitizer.. HAHA.

red mango :)

extra icecream :)

you took like 30 minutes to come out but you were worth it :) I think there was every possible fruit in this one.

Goodbye Love <3

Monday, August 2, 2010

camping, korean style :)

I think I have concluded that I'm not a very good traveler, unless it's like a park or somewhere not too crowded. Seoul isn't really the best place for that haha. I like to just stay at home and hang out with my cousins and family. So, the past couple of days we've just been pitching up this tent outside. There's not much room so it basically takes up the whole outside portion of the house. It has been protecting us from mosquitoes though :) You will see from the pictures that grams does not go in the tent.. because she is super-human and doesn't get bitten by mosquitoes.

watching Insomnia a couple of nights ago. not the best movie to watch at night outside but good :)

me & the aunt :)

& we cooked up corn :) Korean corn is different, but still yummy :)

I like to call this: "gangster grandma who doesn't share her corn"
or that's how the picture makes it look ;)

1 more week til I'm home!! :)