Saturday, June 26, 2010

JeJu / Incheon / Korea v Uruguay / Haircut :)

This is a lot of stuff jammed into one post, here goes:

So, I went to JeJudo last week to visit my other uncle :) It was really beautiful there, but foggy :( I went fishing with my uncle which was fun and ate some pretty good food :) AND caught one of those fishes that puff up. It looks pretty small in the picture, but it's thereee. Anyway, the family is really quiet so the weekend was........ quiet. hahaha.

Then I headed to Incheon for a couple of days to visit my mom's sister. I now officially have an idea of what my mom's going to look like in about 10 years!

Andddddddd.. yesterday I went to World Cup Stadium to watch the Korea v Uruguay game, which was fun :) It would have been better if we won, but oh well! It was still a fun game to watch. Now that I've gone once, I don't think I'd want to go again hahaha. It's too crowded and loud for me. I also finally got to see Eddie oppa after a year of separation! WAHOOO! reunite!!

I alsoooo, cut my hair. Sometimes I think it looks weird and then sometimes I think it looks okay and at times I think I look like a littleee boy.


Incheon / Korea v Uruguay

Monday, June 21, 2010

Realizations I have made since I've come to Korea (about Korea, myself, etc.)

1. People are soccer cuhraaaaazy here. Hopefully they win against Nigeria :) If not, I wouldn't really mind because there'd be less chaos AND I could get the t-shirts for cheaper ;)

2. World Cup is the only time I ever watch Soccer and I think what I enjoy the most about soccer is how excited a team gets when a team scores a goal. It's not like that in other sports because goals are considered rare, unless your Portugal playing North Korea...
What I enjoy least: how every player falls after getting hit by air.

3. I've realized how shallow, especially girls, can be when it comes to sports. Most of us only know the good looking people. I guess the same goes for guys in women's sports. Actually, it's not even sports, this could be for anything i guess...

4. Enough about soccer. I officially have decided I don't like traveling. I can't wait for Yonsei to start so I have a set schedule. I don't like going around everywhere, sleeping in a different place every couple days, etc. What I hate especially about travling: long airplane rides and turbulance. It has made it onto my top 10 things I hate along with carsickness, upset stomach, and Kobe Bryant. I do like nature though and all things green, parks, etc. Jejudo was beautiful :) I didn't even get to enjoy it in its fullness because it was so foggy though.

5. KOREAN FOOD = YUMMY. That is all.

6. Could the boys in Korea be any more feminine? Boy do they love their skinny jeans and pink clothing..... BLECH! Sometimes I feel a little violent when I see someone like that and want to knock him off his bicycle or something. HAHAHA

7. The weather is stanky and humid!!! Im planning on cutting my hair soon and I can't wait because it wont be as nasty in this weather!

8. Fishing is fun :) Even though all you basically do is wait, it's exciting! It was drizzling a little when I went but I enjoyed that feeling afterwards where I felt like I had a layer of slime/salty ocean water on me. HAHA

9. I've realized when you're not around internet access, you don't really miss it too much.

10. Korean babies/kids/toddlers are SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! They're so much cuter than American babies.. maybe I'm just bias though. I don't think they're as friendly as American babies though. A lot of them give me the stank eye when I try and play with them.

11. People smoke and drink a lot here.

12. I'm a little sad that I won't be at home with nothing to do and lazing on my couch while Wimbledon is on TV.

13. Kim Yu Na and Park Ji Sung are advertised EVERYWHERE.

14. During the week I've been here, I've touched one of those puffy fish, cut up an octopus leg, found a cute kitty on the street, seen a siberian husky, been bit my like 20 mosquitos, and accidentally ate an ant. I miss my dogs <3

15. I've been reading a lot more here than I have in America. Currently reading Lolita, good book :) I hope that doesn't mean you'll automatically think it's boring Miyoung ;)

*Dave, I edited this numerous times hoping there weren't any grammar or spelling mistakes. Forgive me if there are still errors! I hope it's good enough for you :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


hello all, I have now been in Korea for about 3 days :)
I have been residing in some place called 덕은동 aka "the place near the world cup stadium" to people like myself who are very limited on their korean geography. It's very 시골 like. I think it'll be a lot more different and packed when I start going to Yonsei but anywho it's very small and cozy. Everything is so homey and home-grown, even the drinks are made with home grown stuff and all the meals are stuff from the gardens. My aunt and uncle are very into plants and all that jazz. The whole family's also very silly, especially my 숙모 who likes to have tickle fights :) They have two daughters, who study a lot, but have been very welcoming and taught me cool korean lingo and maybe one korean curse word. Whatever, I don't feel cool or anything HAHAHA. Also, I'm pretty sure my butt bones are bruised because we sit for everything, I'm currently sitting on hardwood as I write this blog entry and every meal is eaten while sitting on the floor so my butt is taking quite a beating. My sleep schedule is also pretty messed up. I've woken up @ 5:00 am, 4:30 am, and 5:30 am the past 3 days and I've been taking crazy long naps too.

enjoyable moments:
-my cousin 우주 picked up one of the books that I brought-- Lolita, and read the first line which was, "Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins" and she goes unnie what's loins? & I was like umm.. it's like.. uhh.. I ended up telling her I didn't know what it was. HAHAHA
-me & my cousins went on an e-mart adventure. E-mart is like a giant combination of H-mart, walmart, petsmart.
-eating samgyupsal on their patio which also is kind of the roof too. So... a roof/patio, yes.

this bunny was sitting on the other bunny's head :)


Today, me & the grams have a flight to Jejudoh to see my other uncle (mom's little brother) which I'm looking really forward to, there should probably be a lot of cool pictures from there! & there are little ones to see!!!! :) Thank goodness this is only an hour flight. The 14 hour flight to Korea is tortureee. Toodles :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello Goodbye :)

Goodbye America, Hello Korea :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

19 Glorious Years of Miyoung :)

Happy 19th Birthday Miyoung! :)
It was unfortunate that I was born a whopping 25 days after you because they are the only 25 days in our young lives that we have not had that overlapped, I'm selfish I wanted them all. Then we could have been born on the same exact day and then shared every single day together and then we both could have gone to the same college, it's not too late to transfer to Nova you know, and then life would have been perfect but instead.. I will congratulate you on turning 19 today, on the glorious day of June 7th :) You've made it! You did it! You've hit the big 1-9. You know what this means? After I join you a long long time from now, we will only have 1 more year before we are not allowed to use the excuse of being a teen when we do crazy things. On a serious note, I am very thankful to have a cousin as wonderful as yourself. It's been a great 18 years with you and I am only looking forward to more! You are always one of the people that I can tell anything to whether it's happy, sad, serious, weird, etc. I feel comfortable crying, farting, burping, changing, etc. in front of you. Some of my best laughs have been enjoyed in your company. I have shared so so so so so so many memories with you... I think we are a weird pair but I enjoy the weird little quirks about our relationship and and and... & I like you :)

I loved when you moved to Upper Dublin in the 4th grade and I cried because you weren't in my class, I loved when we both had a crush on Luke (good ol' 4th grade crushes.. HAHAHA), I loved walking with you to school singing Barbie Girl and imitating monkeys, I love how we took baths together @ your old house up until what some may have considered, at least unnie did, a questionable age (but we didn't think it was so it made it okay)... I love that we half-watch the same shows so we can fill in the episodes for each other.. I loved trying to remove my suicidal fish from his tank with you... I love how out of shape the both of us are.. I love jumping on your bed and napping together... I love how I can convince almost always convince you, maybe 75%, to go get mcdonalds/chinese food with me if I'm in the mood... I loved hitting you in the head with that frisbee :).. I love how you never get your haircut and I'm always the only one who ever follows through with our haircut plans ;)...& I am looking forward to many many more memoriess.. unless you're planning on leaving me... you're not right? ARE YOU?! & have I mentioned I love how you totally accept me for my spastic paranoid attacks that I can have sometimes ;)

Happy Birthday :) I hope you have a great one (it would be great if you choose outback for tonight's dinner IF you still haven't made up your mind yet ;) & enjoy the rest of your 61 years. I've decided we're both going to die when we're 80 years old, peacefully, in matching wheel chairs :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Freshman 15 :)

Some of the best times of Freshman Year in 15 photosss:

Some memorables:
-bryn mawr trips to see my bryn mawr family (Linda & Jackie unnie)
-mafia all nighters :)
-IHOP crew (you will be missed Charles! Agnes, time to start recruiting ;))
-late nights!
-mini golfing
-"studying" in the library
-gcc flag football
-WOW (women of wisdom)
-KSA family

if there's anyone to thank/blame for me starting this blog, it would definitely be these two:


Happy June :)