Sunday, January 23, 2011

Goals for the week, let's gooooo:
  1. 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
  2. Breakfast every morning (this is usually easy but with the addition of 8:30's into my schedule, this has become a bit more difficult)
  3. Gym at least 3-4 times. (this one's going to be difficult)
  4. Morning QT's.
  5. Night QT's? Haha, whatever you call scripture reading & prayer after a day's living.
  6. Relax with the greasy food a little bit.
  7. Try and participate a little more in class.
  8. Keep up with my readings.
  9. Spend a majority of my library time on the upper floors and NOT the first floor.
  10. Meditation.
  11. No missing any classes this week!!!
    *& I actually kind of don't want anymore snow delays... it's messing up the flow of the week!
Hm, these should be more like semester goals... but we'll take it one week at a time & see how it goes.

HAHA this strip made me think of the one time my mom wrote "meat roaf" on the shopping list for what we needed to buy at Sam's. We had a good laugh, I tried taking a picture but she refused and crumpled up the paper and threw it in the closest trashcan :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Brain vomit, Yum :)

  • This feels like my first real week of school, last week was long.. way long.
  • I had a semi-nightmare last night. Well actually it was that we had another delay with classes starting @ 2:00 pm.. but then things went really bad, I will not go into it.. but I woke up extra sleepy this morning and unfortunately not to a text from Nova Alert telling us we had a delay.
  • I have definitely been underestimating how cold it is outside... but I hate that feeling of over bundling and then being all hot when you get to your class :|
  • Dang you, ESPN360 with your live streaming of the Australian Open.. it doesn't even matter if I don't have a TV because I can just watch whenever I want now. Self-control....
  • Back to having 8:30's again this semester.. well, if I really want to be more of a morning person, this is good practice.
  • Privilage, Priviledge, Privilege... I've been spelling that wrong for a really long time now. I want to blame autocorrect.. but I also could have always just checked and made sure.. I knew spelling would not be my forte, I still remember losing in the 2nd grade spelling bee... spelling alphabet with an 'f', I was shocked/confused when they told me it was wrong HAHAHA.
It's been an interesting... different beginning to the new semester and new year. I'm so used to starting off fresh and on a good note usually in the beginning of things and having it in a sense "work out" for me... like always saying 'this is a new year', 'this is a new start', 'its a new semester' blah blah blah.. but I'm sort of glad it didn't this time. I have to get over that things aren't always going to go my way, whenever.. wherever.. beginning middle or end, and life's full of spontaneous challenges and bumps in the road. I might as well try and learn now instead of always trying to go into things by "starting over" or trying to press that constant restart button like nothing happened and trying to keep it as perfect as possible... because that is when you fall and fall hard. So.. cheers to that :)

Thank you Stall Street Journal, you always have the best quotes:

"Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of."
-Charles Richards

"Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits."
-Robert Puller

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Here comes the Curveball......

If you are reading this blog entry.... you probably know that I was currently taking science classes to fulfill my requirements so that I could possibly go to graduate school and pursue a career in Physical Therapy. If you did not know that.. there you go, and I hope you are not some stalker who I don't know and has just been following my blog (am I thinking too highly of the popularity of my blog right now? Possibly... HAHAHA) but today......

What did I decide to do? It was the last day for Drop/Add so I went on Novasis and just dropped Biology, Biology lab, Chemistry, and Chemistry lab. Who knows, I don't even know. Too sudden? Should I have thought about it more? Don't know. I just realized I don't like these classes, they're hard, I don't even think I'm really even that interested in them... am I just forcing myself to take science classes even though I don't like them because I'm too insecure about what jobs (or lack thereof, that's what the rumor is) the liberal arts have in store for me? they're stressing me out.. i still have to take physics and so many more classes I don't want to take to fulfill these requirements... and much much more. So there we go..

What did I register for in place of these two classes?
Social Psychology (even though my upper level social sciences is fulfilled) and...
Theories of Knowledge (even though my upper level Philosophy will be fulfilled through another class).

They sounded interesting and that's what I want to take and I feel happy :)

Where does that leave me? As a not Physical Therapist in the future, but who even knows if that's the path I would have went down if I had taken those prerequisites.. and leaves me undecided about what I want to do, but oh well, that's okay & I'm fine with that for now. No rush!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

School, what WHAT!

School is rapidly approaching..................................
& I am excited :) because like a fool, I go into every semester all jolly good.. but I know soon that feeling will fade... but it's okay!
First week is syllabus week so it will be lots of time to catch up w/ school friends :) aka... actually get a week behind because you think you don't have to do any work but then you already realize the next week in that you are already a little bit behind. OH WELL :)

This semester.... I have
one 8:30 class & night class... AHHHHHHHHHH.
two labs... so long...........
three classes on Friday......
four classes on Monday and Wednesday
five days a week of classes.. oh the semester that I may join many of you w/ having no friday classes.
six classes total.
gosh.. my schedule stinks.

*I got my syllabus for one class and it was 11 pages....
*I got my syllabus for another class and.... my grade is made up of 25% participation, 25% weekly one page paper about my reaction to what we talked about in class, 25% attendance, & 25% group project @ the end of the semester... which means no tests.... muHAAAAAAAHA.
this will be an interesting semester.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


  • Prayer.
  • Scripture.
  • Health.
  • Consistency.
  • Patience.
  • Preparation.
  • Humbleness.
  • Record: thoughts, finances, journal.
  • Appreciate.