Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas :)

It felt weird having Christmas on Saturday this year...
This year we celebrated @ my house, which meant cooking all morning & afternoon until the family came over.
  • I had my brother for Pollyanna & got him a snuggie :)
  • Paul oppa after opening his gift from my brother: "Aw, man..." HAHAHAHA.
  • Playing Scrabble for hours.
  • Just put your present under our Christmas plant. HAHA
  • Having to try on our brides maid dresses right after stuffing our faces.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Recap: Semester #3!

Hello Semester #3,

You were...... I don't even know what adjectives or words to use to describe you. It was a semester filled with ups and downs. Good times and bad. Definitely not as fluffy good as freshman year. You were a learning experience. Highlights of the semester:

  • I'd be lying if I didn't say Chem & Bio did not rule this semester under the academic field.
  • Thank you Rudolph & Amy for all the fun times of playing/eating dinner/sleeping over/talking/goofing off/futonaps/"studying"/studying <3

  • Thank you Sophomores :) my fellow peers that I will be spending all 4 years of college together with :) whether.... we only get to see each other a little.. like only in the library.... or only "use" each other for breakfast ;)... or will be dating on-and-off until college is over ;) <3

  • KSA e-board :) We had our good times (minus our sometimes VERY drawn out meetings and me & Walter's one spat) this year :) & I got to know a lot of you on the e-board better! Thank you for a semester of laughs & experience of club planning & an epic secret santa :)

  • Goal this semester: trying to get as many people to jump the R5 train track fence with me. Success: 3. Carolyn, Jiwon, Inkyu.

  • Best part of this semester: Hands down, running the 8K with Hana Sophie. Such an amazing feeling <3

  • Some other highlights :)

Monday, December 20, 2010


A setback is a setup for a comeback.

Can't Stop Listening to..

Katy Perry- Firework


Bruno Mars- Grenade

* according to Jen, you know that when a song starts off with "do you ever feel like a plastic bag", it's gonna be GOOD
* a magazine I read today told me that Bruno Mars is only 5'5. Nice, makes him seem more like a teddy bear :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Goodbye Classes!

I cannot believe that classes are over... it's a little bittersweet.
I enjoyed my classes this semester, they were all different in their own ways. For the good & the bad....

Gender & The World
I really enjoyed this class. I think I am a big fan of the ACS style classes where you just discuss and talk for most of the class. A good introduction class into Gender studies :)

Never had a class size that big... It was like one of those big lecture halls in the movies, not that big a fan. Very interesting stuff though :) Lots of reading... too much reading....

Why is this class 4 times a week? Okay.. my recitation attendance record was like 30%... but still...

Dr. Costello & her New England accent <3
& she is just filled with so much interesting information!

Too long.....

Now... to start the preparation for Finals. One on Saturday, one on Monday. Small test on Thursday! After Monday's final, there will be celebration!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The most wonderful time of the year.. (no sarcasm)

I enjoy this time of the year. Finals season.
For some reason... I never really have that much work to do. I mean I do have work to do, and I will get stressed a bit come this weekend but... I just feel like you always have a lot of fun "studying" with people.. even though half the time the dialogue consists of something like I have a blah blah blah page paper due, I have like a million test and a million projects.. and occasionally you'll hear about a poster.
Anyway, fun times always accompany finals/last week of classes week. & today proved to be a good start to the last week of classes.

I discovered a new animal: the capevara. It's giant.
I realized after coming back to my room @ 1:00 AM that I had accidentally left my room door unlocked the entire day.
I ate happy cola, old school!
I wrote about 1.5 pages of my paper before stopping.. re-reading.. contemplating.. and then deciding it sounded contradictory and just deleting it.. & didn't really mind either.
I spent 10 hours in the library... but didn't really get that much work done.... got some done. I need the pressure! but I feel like I have so much time. I still got good mingling and talks in and what I consider an okay amount of work in.. HAHA
Got Jiwon to jump the R5 train fence w/ me. PEER PRESSURE. it works.

Looking forward to the next 2 weeks :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Late Thanksgiving :)

Dang shift keys are acting up again... thus every time I need to capitalize.. my left pinky is now used to hitting the Caps Lock button really quick and then hitting it again to go back to lower case letters..... I also can not make a smiley... or use exclamation points or question marks... which I must copy and paste in here and there... they will randomly start working again, hopefully soon.

So, I never did a Thanksgiving post.. because I got lazy and then forgot to do it. So quick recap in a few words/sentences. Family from everywhere around the US come. Rent banquet hall for the night with a Christmas tree on the stage and a dance floor. Dad and uncles perform as a band with their instruments. Food = mediocre, but it was okay. I think I'm okay without eating a gluttonous amount of food on Thanksgiving.

By far the best part of Thanksgiving night though was jamming out to Queen songs afterwards on the karaoke at my cousin's house. Good times...

So so so so much to be thankful for <3